How to Grow a Plumbing Business: 10 Pro Tips

Do you own a plumbing business? And are you having a decline when it comes to growing your plumbing business? If so, you’re not alone. 

According to WebFx plumbing industry statistics, the U.S. plumbing industry is worth $1.24.2 billion, and the plumbing job market in America is expected to increase by 2% within the years 2021–2021.

While it can be tempting to dive into the plumbing business with these impressive stats, it is very important to know that there are plumbers struggling and looking for tips on how to expand plumbing business.

Hence, in this article, I’ll help you on your search to find and discover the strategies or business guides to growing a plumbing business.

How to grow plumbing business


Here are 10 pro tips or strategies to consider in growing a plumbing business:

  1. Understanding the basics of plumbing business
  2. Create a plumbing business plan
  3. Determine your target audience
  4. Create chains of customer service
  5. Establish an online presence
  6. Take SEO as priority
  7. Suitable billing options 
  8. Employ qualified experts
  9. Consider collaborating
  10. Try campaign ads

1. Understand The Basics of Plumbing Business 

Understanding the basics of a plumbing business is the first and foremost step to being successful in a plumbing business.

There’s literally no point in venturing into a plumbing business if you don’t even have an idea of how the business works or the concept around which it is built.

2. Create a Plumbing Business Plan

The basic foundation of a successful business is to craft a business plan—pretty clear, isn’t it? Therefore, it is necessary to ensure you create an outlook for your plumbing business.

A plumbing business plan allows you to establish your goals, set objectives, and build a successful pathway on how to expand plumbing business.

Hence, when creating a plumbing business plan, be sure enough to establish the following ground objectives:

  • Your annual goals
  • A well defined strategy
  • An overall outlook on expenses.

3. Determine Your Target Audience 

To ensure consistent growth in a plumbing business, we all need returning audiences and customers—no doubt about it. 

Take this, for example: an audience with a pipe leakage looking for a plumbing service wouldn’t rush down to look for a carpenter service.

Hence, in order to achieve this objective of a large customer or audience base, you need to understand and determine the interests and behaviours of your target audience. These target audiences should never find it difficult when it comes to spending every penny for your service. Simple as it sounds. 

The help of understanding and determining your target audience is to ensure you groom a certain and specific audience towards your goals in growing your plumbing business.

4. Create Chains of Customer Services

Nothing beats the satisfaction of a customer who is able to reach out about inquiries to the company that rendered a service to them.

Your customers’s feedback and satisfaction should be your priority when it comes to growing your plumbing business. This gives a massive boost of confidence to your customers when selecting a plumbing service of their choice. Hence, creating a chain of customer service to assist customers in reaching out to you should be a major tip of consideration when growing your plumbing business.

These chains of customer service can push you to provide certain information to your customers, like a business email address, business phone number, or a business page on social media, and this leads to understanding why I added the next step, which is establishing an online presence.


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5. Establish an Online Presence

When it comes down to growing your plumbing business, establishing an online presence should be a major strategy.

  • Can customers find a business page of yours online?
  • Can customers find your website?
  • Can customers find your plumbing business location on Google maps?
  • Can customers find a mobile app of your plumbing business if necessary?

Take these questions into deep consideration and understand the significance of establishing an online presence in order to grow a small plumbing business.

Establishing an online presence already gives a massive marketing boost to your plumbing business. With this tip or strategy, you’re bound to spend less effort on SEO, which I’ll explain in the next paragraph.

6. Take SEO as Priority 

Search engine optimization (SEO) goes in line with creating an online presence. Do you know the majority of plumbing services are driven by the power of SEO? I’ll help you understand.

Search engines like Google and Bing are receiving lots of questions every day, like “fix pipe leaks," “plumbing companies near ," "plumbers in California,” “plumbers near me in Texas,” and so many other related questions.

Taking SEO as a priority will ensure you rank higher and appear in relevant search results for people asking these tonnes of questions on search engines everyday. This is indeed a proven tip on how to grow your plumbing business.

7. Suitable Billing Options

Are customers satisfied with the payment options for your plumbing service? Providing suitable billing options for your audience or customer is another tip for growing your plumbing business.

It is important to consider the flexibility of payment methods or options for your customers. This ensures your customers have a variety of payment options to pick from.

Billing options play a huge role in scaling up the plumbing business these days. No customer would like to affiliate with a plumbing service that can’t provide their own choice of payment option.

8. Employ Qualified Experts 

If you’re running a plumbing company and not an individual plumbing service, it is important to consider employing qualified experts and professionals.

There is no shame that some plumbing services can’t be handled by a single individual. Employing the right and qualified experts will ensure there is an all-round team that guarantees a smooth run of services in your plumbing company.

9. Consider Collaborating

Collaborating with different contractors, electricians, real estate agents, and other local professionals will help grow your plumbing business to another level. I’ll make you understand.

These contractors, electricians, and real estate agents have access to different houses or buildings in which they have either worked before or have access. 

Collaborating with these professionals will ensure you build leads, insights, and business opportunities in your plumbing business, and this is also an effective tip to put into consideration when trying to grow your plumbing business.

10. Try Campaign Advertising

Consider running campaign advertising with the goal of reaching a new audience. These sponsored ads help to promote and increase awareness for your plumbing business.

Either social media ads, Google ads, or digital marketing strategies, it is necessary to try campaign ads to pair with SEO already done. Sometimes reaching new target audiences is underestimated, and you can achieve this through campaign ads. 


Starting a plumbing business might be difficult for some, but growing and scaling it shouldn’t be.

With the right tips at your fingertips, it is important for new plumbers or plumbing companies to adopt the necessary steps in growing a plumbing business. Hence, which led to the decision to write this article. I hope this was helpful. Cheers!

Michael Drizzy

By background, he is a mass communicator, solo entrepreneur and business expert. Primarily, he is passionate about writing and creating content regarding business ideas, entrepreneurship guides and business pursuit strategies.

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