Remote Home Cleaning Business: How to Start and Grow Effectively

Are you looking to start a remote business? There’s a good chance you’ve heard of a remote home cleaning business.

Fortunately, the cleaning industry has grown a total of 6.6% in the past 10 years. Hence, how can you ensure a remote home cleaning business stands out among your top local competitors?

The answer is to understand how to start an effective remote home cleaning business and scale it up effectively.

Starting an effective remote home cleaning business or online cleaning service goes beyond just trying to be better than your competition; it’s more about growing constantly with different proven strategies.

In this article, I’ll help you in your quest to start a remote home cleaning business and grow effectively. I’ll also offer you an understanding of the significance of building a remote cleaning business and scaling it up to another level.

Remote home cleaning business
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Remote home cleaning business has improved a lot over the years. According to a survey, around 2 to 4 hours are spent by different individuals cleaning their houses on a weekly basis.

Hence, it is necessary to outline the tips to start and scale up a remote home cleaning business. These tips are:

  1. Understanding how remote home cleaning business works
  2. Create a remote cleaning business plan
  3. Establish an online identity
  4. Networking is key
  5. Automate local marketing
  6. Recruit team of experts
  7. Fix feasible price tags
  8. Expand your remote home cleaning business

1. Understanding How Remote Home Cleaning Business Works

It is necessary to have a clear understanding of the concept and business industry of remote cleaning. Therefore, this is the first step to consider when starting either a remote home cleaning business or online cleaning services.

Understanding the business ideas that stretch how the remote cleaning business works will define the approach around which your strategy is built. 

Hence, understanding the business model and concept of a remote home cleaning business will ensure you have a clear knowledge of the following factors:

  • Customer’s satisfaction
  • Efficiency and management
  • Methods to adopt
  • Challenges which may occur and more.

2. Create a Remote Cleaning Business Plan

What is a remote cleaning business plan? A remote home cleaning business plan helps you foresee your goals and objectives. Therefore, it is necessary to create an outline of a remote home cleaning business.

It is important to create a remote home cleaning business plan, and this plan can be contextual. If, for instance, you want to set a certain objective monthly or annually and you’re starting without a business plan, your annual target goal might just be futile.

This remote cleaning business plan should include:

  • How far do you want to go annually with your remote home cleaning business?
  • Do you want to recruit more team members?
  • Do you want to be franchise or the other way around?

Hence, it is important to map out a certain list of goals and objectives for your remote home cleaning business and keep a clear understanding of the significance attached to it.

3. Establish an Online Identity

What does it mean to create an online identity? I’ll break it down. Online identity means creating a presence for your business on the internet. Simple as it sounds. 

There is an estimate of over 6.4 billion smartphone users around the world. Now, ask yourself, “How can potential customers find my remote home cleaning business online?"  Well, it involves creating an online identity.

In order to create an online identity or internet presence for a remote home cleaning business, it is important to ensure customers can find your business on the internet. Therefore, how do you do this? Take a look:

  • A professional remote cleaning business website
  • Social media (Instagram, Tiktok, Linkedln, X, Facebook)
  • Google My Business
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • A mobile application if the case may be

4. Networking is Key

You must have heard of the term "networking." What is more important is understanding the power of networking when it comes to scaling up a remote home cleaning business. 

Networking means sourcing and exchanging information with relevant parties or sources. Hence, how can networking help when starting up a remote home cleaning business? 

If your goal is to attract potential local customers, then it is important to network with local vendors such as property managers, rental owners, real estate companies, and agents. These sets of companies or individuals can help you gain referrals and also provide profitable local information about homes and infrastructure that need a remote cleaning service. As fascinating as it sounds.


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5. Automate Local Marketing

A local marketing strategy is a way of targeting potential customers within a certain hemisphere or geographic region. But how can this help in starting and scaling up a remote home cleaning business?

Having a clear understanding of this will ensure you automate local marketing to geo-target a specific location or demographic that would ensure brand awareness and a return on investment in your remote home cleaning business.

It is necessary to know that there are certain locations where there are higher demands for remote home cleaning services compared to others.

So here’s the question: How do I know the best location for a remote home cleaning business?

  • A location with high demand of remote cleaning services
  • A location with high percentage of homes and buildings 
  • A location with lots of infrastructures

6. Recruit Team of Experts

Starting and scaling up a remote home cleaning business often goes beyond the ability of a single individual. Therefore, it is necessary to connect and recruit well-experienced cleaners.

Why do you need to recruit a team of experts in the remote home cleaning business? Understanding the significance of recruiting professionals is essential. The importance of recruiting a team of experts is:

  • Efficiency in service
  • More skills and experience in the bag
  • Division of labor and roles
  • Customers satisfaction
  • Team collaboration and more.

Recruiting experts in cleaning might require some sort of scrutiny. This is to ensure you recruit individuals with high experience or expertise in a remote home cleaning business. Hence, this is a very crucial and considerable tip for starting a remote home cleaning business.

7. Fix Feasible Price Tag

Fixing a feasible or convincing price tag for your remote home cleaning business will give you an edge over your competitors. But wait, is this necessary? Yes, it is very necessary to fix a more convenient price rate compared to what your competitors are charging.

These days, potential customers tend to look for one specific thing: satisfaction. That's pretty clear, isn’t it? 

Therefore, don’t forget that you’re trying to retain potential customers and keep them coming back for your remote cleaning services. Fixing a feasible price tag is the best way to win their hearts and the best way to achieve this. 

8. Expand Your Remote Home Cleaning Service


Your remote home cleaning business may be new, but your competitors aren’t. This means two things:

  • They’re constantly scaling and growing their remote home cleaning business
  • They’re applying the right tips and strategies to start and scale up their remote cleaning businesses.

Therefore, there’s a need for you to expand and grow your remote home cleaning business. Understanding every tip, from the concept of a remote home cleaning business to networking and establishing an online presence, There’s more to it, and this is where applying these strategies and scaling them up come into play. 


Like I mentioned earlier, your remote home cleaning business may be new, but your competitors aren’t. I’ll pick a baseline for a successful remote home cleaning business, and I’ll say it all comes down to applying the right tips and also other factors examined in this article.

Therefore, it is necessary to adopt all the steps and tips highlighted in this article to help you start and grow a remote home cleaning business. I wish you nothing but the best in your remote cleaning journey. Cheers!

Michael Drizzy

By background, he is a mass communicator, solo entrepreneur and business expert. Primarily, he is passionate about writing and creating content regarding business ideas, entrepreneurship guides and business pursuit strategies.

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